Ah.. vacation!

My Eid vacation has been started. Having a long vacation after a long. My classes will be started hopefully from 11th of October. Though its a vacation, but I have several work to do. I have to prepare my Climate Report for my next design project. Its a group work where each group will prepare report on a single climatic condition. We are going to work on Monsoon. Hoping to get the text ready from my group mate soon, then I'll be preparing the layout with necessary diagrams and graphics.

The Eid will be on 1st or 2nd of October (depends on moon sighting). Want to enjoy this vacation. Then again the old, but not so bad, life. Our next design project is not officially announced yet. Unofficially we came to know that it could be Bank or an Art Gallery. I would love to design an Art Gallery more than a Bank, cause I think there is a better chance of doing interesting work with the Art Gallery. Anyway, let's see what happens!

My 2-2 project: Vacation Home

I have just completed my 2nd term of level 2. Had a great Jury on last 4th instant. Our project of this semester was "Vacation Home". My design was appreciated. My Presentation Sheet and 3d renderings were appreciated a lot as well. Teachers told me to give them the soft copy of my Presentation sheet and the 3d views.

Here goes the project details:

Project Name: Design of a Vacation Home.
My Concept: Vacation Home is Like an Aquarium.
Project Duration: 3 Months
Level 2 - Term 2

Some of my 3d renderings are here. I used Sketch Up, Kerkythea and Photoshop for completing the rendering.

Here goes my Presentation Sheet

World's first shape-shifting skyscraper

When I first saw the news in newspaper, I was amazed. An ambitious plan to build a revolutionary 420-meter shape-shifting skyscraper in Dubai have been unveiled by Italian architect David Fisher.

The 80-story Dynamic Tower, described as the "world's first building in motion," will also be the first skyscraper constructed from prefabricated units, according to a press statement released by New York-based architect David Fisher's Dynamic Group.

Each floor would be capable of rotating independently, powered by wind turbines fitted between each floor.

"You can adjust the shape the way you like every given moment," Fisher said. "It's not a piece of architecture somebody designed today and that's it. It remains forever. It's designed by life, shaped by time."

Fisher said that plans to build a second rotating skyscraper in Moscow were at an advanced stage and that the group intended to build a third tower in New York.

Fisher has called prefabricated construction techniques the "future of architecture" and says they will radically transform 4,000-year-old "brick-on-brick" building methods.

By using preconstructed parts, Fisher said each story could be built in just seven days, resulting in environmentally cleaner building methods.

But some have expressed skepticism. Fisher has never built a skyscraper before. He says he has teamed up with reputable architects and engineers in the United Kingdom and India.

Although he has received a development license for construction in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, he has not disclosed the site of the building. The Moscow mayor's office said that it was looking into the project and that a decision had not been made.

Source: CNN